LIV buildingLIV, Udo Thomas

About the LIV

The LIV research focuses on human pathogenic viruses with the aim of understanding virus-related diseases and developing new therapeutic approaches.


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LIV staffLIV, Gisela Köhler

Career at LIV

At our institute we offer various positions in the scientific and science-supporting field.


Current vacancies
LIV exterior view© Udo Thomas /GARP

Change of leadership

Professor Marcus Altfeld became Scientific Director at LIV on June 1, 2024


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Pandemic Illustration of the world© Adobe Stock / Imageflow

New Leibniz Lab

The Leibniz Lab “Pandemic Preparedness: One Health, One Future” connects excellent inter- and transdisciplinary research in preparation for the next pandemic.


More information here

About the
Leibniz Institute
of Virology

The LIV research focuses on human pathogenic viruses with the aim of understanding virus-related diseases and creating new therapeutic approaches. Based on basic experimental research, new approaches are being developed for improved methods of treating e.g. AIDS, influenza and hepatitis, as well as emerging viral infections such as Dengue, West Nile fever or COVID-19. With its research focus, the LIV covers a wide range of the world's most important viral pathogens.

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