
Portrait von Gülsah Gabriel © Gisela Köhler
Head of Research Department Viral Zoonoses - One Health

Curriculum vitae

Since 2018: Head of the Department Viral Zoonoses – One Health at the LIV

Since 2018: Professor (W3) for Virology, University of Veterinary Medicine, Hannover

2014-2018: Head of Research Unit Viral Zoonoses and Adaptions at the LIV

2014-2018: Professor (W2) for Viral Zoonoses, Universität zu Lübeck

2009-2013: Junior Research Group Leader (Emmy Noether-Programme) Influenza Pathogenese at the LIV

2007-2009: PostDoc, Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, University of Oxford

2006-2007: PostDoc, Institute for Virology, University of Marburg