
Müller, Ursula
Technician Viral Zoonoses - One HealthPublications
Seitz V, Kleo K, Dröge A, Schaper S, Elezkurtaj S, Bedjaoui N, Dimitrova L, Sommerfeld A, Berg E, von der Wall E, Müller U, Joosten M, Lenze D, Heimesaat MM, Baldus C, Zinser C, Cieslak A, Macintyre E, Stocking C, Hennig S, Hummel M (2020). Evidence for a role of RUNX1 as recombinase cofactor for TCRβ rearrangements and pathological deletions in ETV6-RUNX1 ALL. Sci Rep. 10/2020; PubMed
Stanelle-Bertram S, Walendy-Gnirß K, Speiseder T, Thiele S, Asante IA, Dreier C, Kouassi NM, Preuß A, Pilnitz-Stolze G, Müller U, Thanisch S, Richter M, Scharrenberg R, Kraus V, Dörk R, Schau L, Herder V, Gerhauser I, Pfankuche VM, Käufer C, Waltl I, Moraes T, Sellau J, Hoenow S, Schmidt-Chanasit J, Jansen S, Schattling B, Ittrich H, Bartsch U, Renné T, Bartenschlager R, Arck P, Cadar D, Friese MA, Vapalahti O, Lotter H, Benites S, Rolling L, Gabriel M, Baumgärtner W, Morellini F, Hölter SM, Amarie O, Fuchs H, Hrabe de Angelis M, Löscher W, Calderon de Anda F, Gabriel G (2018). Male offspring born to mildly ZIKV-infected mice are at risk of developing neurocognitive disorders in adulthood. Nat Microbiol. 3/2018; PubMed
Behrens K, Maul K, Tekin N, Kriebitzsch N, Indenbirken D, Prassolov V, Müller U, Serve H, Cammenga J, Stocking C (2017). RUNX1 cooperates with FLT3-ITD to induce leukemia. J Exp Med. 214/2017; PubMed
Behrens K, Triviai I, Schwieger M, Tekin N, Alawi M, Spohn M, Indenbirken D, Ziegler M, Müller U, Alexander WS, Stocking C (2016). Runx1 downregulates stem cell and megakaryocytic transcription programs that support niche interactions. Blood. 127/2016; PubMed
Herglotz J, Unrau L, Hauschildt F, Fischer M, Kriebitzsch N, Alawi M, Indenbirken D, Spohn M, Müller U, Ziegler M, Schuh W, Jäck HM, Stocking C (2015). Essential control of early B-cell development by Mef2 transcription factors. Blood. 127/2016; PubMed
Niebuhr B, Kriebitzsch N, Fischer M, Behrens K, Günther T, Alawi M, Bergholz U, Müller U, Roscher S, Ziegler M, Buchholz F, Grundhoff A, Stocking C (2013). Runx1 is essential at two stages of early murine B-cell development. Blood. 122/2013; PubMed
Schüler A, Schwieger M, Engelmann A, Weber K, Horn S, Müller U, Arnold MA, Olson EN, Stocking C (2008). The MADS transcription factor Mef2c is a pivotal modulator of myeloid cell fate. Blood. 111/2008; PubMed
Martinez-Noel G, Müller U, Harbers K (2001). Identification of molecular determinants required for interaction of ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes and RING finger proteins. Eur J Biochem. 268/2001; PubMed
Pringa E, Martinez-Noel G, Muller U, Harbers K (2001). Interaction of the ring finger-related U-box motif of a nuclear dot protein with ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes. J Biol Chem. 276/2001; PubMed
Pringa E, Meier I, Müller U, Martinez-Noel G, Harbers K (2000). Disruption of the gene encoding the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme UbcM4 has no effect on proliferation and in vitro differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1494/2000; PubMed
Müller U, Grams A, Martinez-Noel G, Copeland NG, Gilbert DJ, Jenkins NA, Harbers K (1998). Structure of the gene encoding the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme Ubcm4, characterization of its promoter, and chromosomal location. Gene. 224/1998; PubMed
Harbers K, Müller U, Grams A, Li E, Jaenisch R, Franz T (1996). Provirus integration into a gene encoding a ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme results in a placental defect and embryonic lethality. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 93/1996; PubMed
Karls U, Müller U, Gilbert DJ, Copeland NG, Jenkins NA, Harbers K (1992). Structure, expression, and chromosome location of the gene for the beta subunit of brain-specific Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II identified by transgene integration in an embryonic lethal mouse mutant. Mol Cell Biol. 12/1992; PubMed
Mooslehner K, Müller U, Karls U, Hamann L, Harbers K (1991). Structure and expression of a gene encoding a putative GTP-binding protein identified by provirus integration in a transgenic mouse strain. Mol Cell Biol. 11/1991; PubMed
Harbers K, Francke U, Soriano P, Jaenisch R, Müller U (1990). Structure and chromosomal mapping of a highly polymorphic repetitive DNA sequence from the pseudoautosomal region of the mouse sex chromosomes. Cytogenet Cell Genet. 53/1990; PubMed