Equality and Diversity
The LIV embraces equal opportunities for women and men in the workplace and is committed to reconciling work and family in science and research. To recruit the best people, the LIV wants to create a family-friendly working environment and tap into opportunities offered by equality agendas.
Equality efforts have been integrated into the LIV’s development strategies for several years already. The LIV’s equality plan, adopted for the first time in 2009 and regularly updated and expanded ever since, is a benchmark for sustainable, innovative and targeted policies on equality between men and women in the workplace.
The LIV’s equal opportunities representatives advise and support members of staff on questions and problems including:
- The reconciliation of family and working life
- Gender equality
- Improving professional situation
- Professional development and training (including the Leibniz Mentoring programme)
In addition, members of staff may receive advice in matters trust such as:
- A disadvantage and/or discrimination in employment and/or at the workplace
- Conflicts and workplace bullying
- Sexual harassment and discrimination according to the German Geberal Equal Treatment Act (Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz, AGG)
Equality Officer
Phone: +49 (0)40 48051-353
Email: Please enable JavaScript to render this link!
Deputy Equality Officer
Phone: +49 (0)40 48051-241
Email: Please enable JavaScript to render this link!

Equal Opportunities
extension: -353 (Michaela Clausen) or -241 (Anna Lüttjohann)
or in writing (Please enable JavaScript to render this link!, office mailbox)
Office hours: By appointment.
Counselling Service
Counselling, initiated by the equal opportunities representative and the board, is available at the LIV free of charge. This may be helpful if
- you are burdened by personal concerns and need,
- you have psychological difficulties,
- you have returned to work after prolonged illness,
- you would like to discuss your situation with an independent person, or
- you are experiencing bullying or discrimination.
Counselling is provided by the LIV´s occupational health physician Please enable JavaScript to render this link!
Emergency Childcare
The LIV cooperates with the childcare service Notmütterdienst, Familien- und Seniorenhilfe e.V., which offers - in cases their own childcare via day nursery, school, family or friends fails - individually care solutions for children of LIV employees.
Information regarding the children emergency care you find in the LIV intranet.
Award and Commitment
The LIV won the TOTAL E-QUALITY award for exemplary activities in terms of human resource management aimed at providing equal opportunity.

Moreover, the LIV signed the Charta der Vielfalt (diversity charta), a corporate initiative to promote diversity in companies and institutions.

Complaints Office
The Complaints Office at the LIV has been established by the employer to prevent or, if already done, to eliminate any discrimination in the workplace on the grounds of race, gender, religion or belief, disability, age, sexual identity.
Employees who feel directly or indirectly discriminated against on the above-mentioned grounds are urged to contact the Complaints Office immediately. All contacts and investigations will be kept strictly confidential. For this reason, personal contact is preferable to digital contact. Together with the member of the complaints office you have contacted, the next steps will be discussed and possible solutions initiated.
The members of the Complaints Office:
Dagmar Schröder-Huse, Please enable JavaScript to render this link!, Please enable JavaScript to render this link!, Please enable JavaScript to render this link!
Further members:
Please enable JavaScript to render this link!, ombudsperson
Care offer voiio
The LIV is committed to providing its employees with the greatest possible flexibility and to additionally supporting the compatibility of family and career. Therefore, the institute has entered into a cooperation with voiio GmbH - a company that offers events, childcare services and expert advice for families.

LIV employees can book both virtual and offline childcare services for their children and grandchildren at leibniz-hpi.voiio.family. A diverse range of digital workshops and events are available there. You can choose from a variety of offerings for school-age children from 5 years upwards and teenagers. In addition, there are various coaching and consulting services for parents.
More information:
Registration at leibniz-liv.voiio.family
An overview of the virtual events currently offered by voiio can be found here: voiio.de/virtuelle-kinderbetreuung/stundenplan
Offers for virtual learning support can be found here: voiio.de/virtuelle-kinderbetreuung/lernfoerderung
You are also welcome to use the virtual childcare Flex, which allows you to flexibly arrange digital childcare (weekdays 8 am - 6 pm). For requests at short notice, it is best to contact the voiio consulting team by phone.
If you have any questions, please feel free to Please enable JavaScript to render this link! (weekdays from 9 am to 6 pm): 030 6779 5051
More information can be found on the LIV intranet.
Dual Career Hamburg + the North
The LIV is a member of the network Dual Career Hamburg + the North.
The central aim of the network is to support science, cultural institutions and business in recruiting top talent for the Hamburg metropolitan region and the North.
![[Translate to English:] Logo DCHN](/fileadmin/_processed_/2/7/csm_2020-02-25_Logo_DCHN_f90bee5561.jpg)
Equality Officer
Phone: +49 (0)40 48051-353
Email: Please enable JavaScript to render this link!
Deputy Equality Officer
Phone: +49 (0)40 48051-241
Email: Please enable JavaScript to render this link!