Integrative Analysis of pathogen-induced Compartments

Hamburg's ScienceCampus "Integrative Analysis of pathogen-induced Compartments" InterACt aims to improve our understanding of the role of compartments in the course of infection. 

Logo InterACt

In the course of a cellular infection, pathogens such as viruses, bacteria and parasites use existing compartments or create new ones. These compartments present confined areas for biological processes, protect the pathogens from host defense and concentrate factors that contribute to replication. The complexity of dynamics, structure and function of these diverse compartments can only be analyzed in situ. 

For these analyses, the ScienceCampus InterACt uses state-of-the-art imaging techniques. Furthermore, the resulting complex data sets are integratively merged with data from complementary methods. In the long term, an understanding of the pathogen compartments facilitates the identification of novel innovative therapeutic approaches. 

InterACt combines Hamburg's competence in the fields of infection-, structural- and systems-biology with in situ imaging and bioinformatics approaches.


InterACt -
Integrative Analysis of pathogen-induced Compartments
c/o Leibniz-Institut für Virologie  
Building N63 
Martinistraße 52 
20251 Hamburg 
Leibniz ScienceCampi