
Various public and scientific events take place at the LIV. You will find more information about this further down on this page.
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Friday, 12.04.2024 - 10:00

Symposium: Fighting viral persistence

LIV meets HOPE

At the scientific symposium "FIGHTING VIRAL PERSISTENCE - LIV meets HOPE", which takes place at LIV on April 12, 2024, LIV/UKE and HOPE scientists come together to present and discuss projects on various topics related to viral persistence.

The topics range from the characterization of the active HIV reservoir to innovative technologies in HIV cure research and advances in the study of associated herpesvirus infections and their impact.

Ulrike Lange, head of the junior research group Genomics of Retroviral Infections is organizer of the symposium.

The HIV Obstruction by Programmed Epigenetics (HOPE) Collaboratory is an international collaboratory funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) that focuses on HIV obstruction by programmed epigenetics in the context of developing an HIV cure. HOPE links 16 institutions worldwide and integrates findings from clinical trials that promise promising approaches to combat viral persistence.

You can find the program here.



