Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter

Dr. Vollmer, Benjamin
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Gast) Strukturelle Zellbiologie der VirenPublikationen
Zhou M, Vollmer B, Machala E, Chen M, Grünewald K, Arvin AM, Chiu W, Oliver SL (2023). Targeted mutagenesis of the herpesvirus fusogen central helix captures transition states. Nat Commun. 14/2023; PubMed
Niebling S, Veith K, Vollmer B, Lizarrondo J, Burastero O, Schiller J, Struve García A, Lewe P, Seuring C, Witt S, García-Alai M (2022). Biophysical Screening Pipeline for Cryo-EM Grid Preparation of Membrane Proteins. Front Mol Biosci. 9/2022; PubMed
Ebel H, Benecke T, Vollmer B (2022). Stabilisation of Viral Membrane Fusion Proteins in Prefusion Conformation by Structure-Based Design for Structure Determination and Vaccine Development. Viruses. 14/2022; PubMed
Naniima P, Naimo E, Koch S, Curth U, Alkharsah KR, Ströh LJ, Binz A, Beneke JM, Vollmer B, Böning H, Borst EM, Desai P, Bohne J, Messerle M, Bauerfeind R, Legrand P, Sodeik B, Schulz TF, Krey T (2021). Assembly of infectious Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus progeny requires formation of a pORF19 pentamer. PLoS Biol. 19/2021; PubMed
Vallbracht M, Lötzsch H, Klupp BG, Fuchs W, Vollmer B, Grünewald K, Backovic M, Rey FA, Mettenleiter TC (2021). In Vitro Viral Evolution Identifies a Critical Residue in the Alphaherpesvirus Fusion Glycoprotein B Ectodomain That Controls gH/gL-Independent Entry. mBio. 12/2021; PubMed
Silvester E, Vollmer B, Pražák V, Vasishtan D, Machala EA, Whittle C, Black S, Bath J, Turberfield AJ, Grünewald K, Baker LA (2021). DNA origami signposts for identifying proteins on cell membranes by electron cryotomography. Cell. 184/2021; PubMed
Quemin ERJ, Machala EA, Vollmer B, Pražák V, Vasishtan D, Rosch R, Grange M, Franken LE, Baker LA, Grünewald K (2020). Cellular Electron Cryo-Tomography to Study Virus-Host Interactions. Annu Rev Virol. 7/2020; PubMed
Vollmer B, Grünewald K (2020). Herpesvirus membrane fusion - a team effort. Curr Opin Struct Biol. 62/2020; PubMed
Vollmer B, Pražák V, Vasishtan D, Jefferys EE, Hernandez-Duran A, Vallbracht M, Klupp BG, Mettenleiter TC, Backovic M, Rey FA, Topf M, Grünewald K (2020). The prefusion structure of herpes simplex virus glycoprotein B. Sci Adv. 6/2020; PubMed
Hernández Durán A, Greco TM, Vollmer B, Cristea IM, Grünewald K, Topf M (2019). Protein interactions and consensus clustering analysis uncover insights into herpesvirus virion structure and function relationships. PLoS Biol. 17/2019; PubMed